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Holiday Globe

Phone: 01 5712721

Open Hours: 8am-11pm Daily

The Internet has connected the world and most importantly makes the world visible to us just on a mouse click. The travel hot spots have always existed but beyond our reach. The advanced technology has brought each of these places close to our home and even makes a visit to them far easier. The HolidayGlobe is a trading name of Travelopedia Ltd. is one of the foremost purveyors of luxury travel for discerning guests and offers them the most sought-after travel experience. We believe that the best travel site should be a valuable tool for the customers that help them to create a wonderful trip whether they are looking for overseas vacations, a family holiday, a business trip or a leisure holidays.

We offer the most curated travel experience to our customers by tracking down the right hotel accommodations, locating a specific car type, searching for the best flight deals by making sure that the plane tickets booked for you cover baggage fees and you always get great discounts on cruises and beyond. We have everything for every visitor and try our best to offer them the best. We believe that the best travel site should load pages quickly, display relevant details after a great search with no hidden cost and don’t leave wondering if something is clicked accidentally.

The HolidayGlobe has proven valuable to customers in all respects and they find us resourceful source of information on which they can relay for their travel related needs. Our main strength is our efficient and knowledgeable staff that will guide and help them on each and every step to make vacations a memorable experience for them. We are passionate about our work and make things easier for your customers so that you can experience the joy of travelling. Call us now to get exceptional service and authentic experiences with great-personalised service